Saturday, April 27, 2013

Total Drama All-Stars (season 5)

OMG!!! There's going to be a season 5 of total drama. It's airing in the us on June 24 2013. EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!! here's the wiki page i got the info from:Total_Drama:_All-Stars wiki page. This is going to be good, there are 14 campers so seven on each team. So far they only have 8 campers. They are: Alejandro, Cameron, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Mike,Sierra, and Zoey. There going to be split up in to two teams villain's vs. hero's. The first team is the Heroic Hamsters: Cameron, Gwen, Mike, Sierra, and Zoey. The second team is the Villainous Vultures: Alejandro, Courtney, and Heather. Think that's crazy well it gets even crazier. For the first 13 episodes there are 14 campers. Than whole new 14 campers for the last 13 episode (a total of 26). Remember I don't if this is true or not because like i said i got it from Wikipedia and not everything on there is true. But let's hope it is because I want to see it!!!! If the show is eventful just think of how crazy the aftermath will be if they bring it back. Since the teams always split up in the middle of the season my guess is that for the first 13 episodes the teams will split up on episode 6 or 7 but all together for the whole 26 episodes they'll split up on episode 12, 13, or 14. This is just a guess btw so don't get mad if its not true. Well i'll end my non-stop babbling with some Total Drama All-Stars pictures.(btw i don't know why some of the pictures have Gwen on the villain side and Courtney on the hero side it should be the other way around.)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

FanDom Pair Ups

Ok I am now a fan of Noco (Noah x Cody) it's super cute. But I still prefer Noah all to myself. I'm also a fan of Helandro (Heather x Alejandro) way cool. My two fave characters in love. Some times I wish i was the Hel in Helandro, sometimes. I'm a Noah's girl always. Ok so i've been debating on weather i'm a Duncy (Courtney x Duncan) fan or a Gwuncan (Gwen x Duncan) fan. Well debates over i'm officially a Gwuncan fan. I've always pictured myself as Courtney's bff but i think that Gwuncan was meant to be from the start. But now there's no one to pair Courtney with except for Alejandro. But i'm a Helandro fan so I cant do that. I guess if I picked Duncy then i could have easily paired Gwen up with Trent for Gwent or Trwen. I'm not really sure what there fandom name is cus i dont really care. I'm starting to become a Siady/Coderra fan. Mainly because i've always seen myself as Sierra's best friend. That's it for now but if there's any other fandom pair ups you want me to check out please leave in the comments below. P.S. don't for get about my OC. Thank you and here's a Noco video.

My Total Drama OC

Ok so I'm still trying to draw my OC for Total Drama but right now all i can do is color over pictures. She's a combo os Courtney+Bridgette+Sierra. I want her to have Courtney's hair style but blonde not brown. Bridgette's blue sweater, and Sierra's jeans. I guess her shoes can be any old sneakers it really doesn't matter. She even has two other back up looks. First it's Bridgette's sweater with Sierra's jeans. Then it's a blue long sleeve with heather's shorts. Last but not least it's a pink and blue long sleeve with a black frilly skirt. Her name is Cleo (that's not my real name btw). Cleo is my alternate ego (and skin color lol). She's bossy when needed (i'm a little too nice), and really friendly (i'm a little shy). But were both American (she's also bilingual). If you know anyone who can draw really good then please feel free to ask them to draw my OC for me. I'm in desperate need of help, thank you for your participation. I'll put up photo's of how she's suppose to look.

Monday, April 22, 2013

I heart Total Drama

Omg this is really happening my first total drama fan blog. Well I hope you fallow because I'm like a real live Sierra (only I'm not Cody obsessed). I know everything about everyone (I think). I've seen all the seasons. I watched season 1 twice, season 2 twice, season 3 like three times, and season four once. My least favorite season if the fourth one (I'd say last but hopefully it's not the last one). It's the only season I saw once because it's not really that interesting. My favorite season is the third one because Noah's in it more and there's singing. As you may have noticed my favorite character on the show is Noah. Sure he's kind of a nerd and a bit of a smart ass but that's all the more reason to like him. Pulse he's super cute (in a cartoonie kind of way). My least favorite is lashawna (or how ever you spell her name like I care). She's always getting an attitude with someone especially my second favorite character Heather. I know what your thinking Heather's a bitch and she deserved it, but at least she got into the finale three in the first season and won the third season. Plus I love her sneakyness. But the only person I love more than Heather and Noah (ok I love no one more than Noah) on the show is Alejandro. He's like Heather but Spanish/Latin boy version. At first I had trouble picking witch out of the three do I love the most. Heather was always second but picking Alejandro or Noah was kind of tricky, in the end Noah won. Ok this is already way to long so to all you Total Drama fans fallow this blog for more updates and for all you Noah, Heather, and Alejandro fans, stay toon for pics and facts on your favorite characters.